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The Basics of a Productive Content Strategy
April 20, 2011

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In the past, when building a website, it was considered acceptable to simply create a design and fill it with content. However, that "strategy" only uses 10% of your website's total potential as a marketing tool. What you really need is a Content Strategy.

Defining a Content Strategy

Content is commonly defined as any text, image, video, podcast, or link that can be used towards influencing a user/client's experience online. Therefore a content strategy is the process by which you share content that will engage your audience and convert them into customers.

Why is it Important?

You may be thinking: "Well, okay, that's sounds easy enough. I create content all the time." The difference, however, can be like night and day. We all create content every day, but how much of it really matters? Quantity doesn't always yield quality.

A content strategy helps you stay focused on generating the right kind of content that can be delivered to the right kind of audience. It helps you find a consistent voice and prevents you from wasting time, money, and other resources on content that's not achieving the results you need.

Where to Start

The first step in any strategy should always be to define your goal. Do you want to sell more products or do you wish to become a thought leader in your industry? Often times these goals can cross over, but you should always have a purpose to any marketing effort you employ.

Once you've established a purpose you can then begin to get more specific: defining what kind of content you need to write, who should create it, where it will be most useful (website, social media profiles), and how often it should be published.

How to Identify Poor Content

This is perhaps the trickiest part of content strategy. The most obvious identifier of poor content is that it's not helping you achieve your goals (ie. selling more product or building brand recognition). Another common mistake is ignoring important keywords for link building and boosting traffic.

However, one of the most overlooked aspects of poor content is that it fails to understand your audience's needs. When you lose site of your content's purpose it will become less engaging and ultimately ignored by your audience.

Need help?

The crew here at Productive I.T. is always ready to assist you with any design, development or marketing need you may have. Drop us a line or give us a call and let us know how we can help.

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