Last month Adobe took it's first, real step towards integrating its designer suite of software (specifically Photoshop) with tablet devices such as the iPad thanks to the launch of its Photoshop Touch SDK. This new synchronization between mobile devices and Adobe allows designers to use a tablet device in previously unexplored ways, though I'm sure that it won't be long before we begin seeing some of the more creative applications before too long.
There are currently three apps available that allow users to ability to work between tablets and Photoshop: Eazel, Color Lava, and Nav. As you might expect these three offer a variety of arts-related functions, the first two being more paint-oriented while Nav enables user to communicate directly to Photoshop's tool palette from their tablet device.
Honestly, I'm a bit behind the curve of tablet technology- having only briefly experienced the Wacom tablets in college around the time when they first became popular. At the time I found it to be an awkward system and that's probably why I've been hesitant to go back, but with the popularity of the iPad and similar tablet devices I might just reconsider using a tablet sooner than later.
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